San Gabriel Cemetery

(626) 282-2764


(626) 282-2764

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Rules, Regulations, and Rights of Internment

Rules and Regulations of the Cemetery and prices for burial spaces and services are made by the Cemetery and may be changed by the Cemetery at any time without advance notice.

The Cemetery reserves the right, without notice, to make exceptions or modifications to any of the Rules and Regulations when, in its judgment, such exceptions or modifications appear advisable, Such exceptions or modifications shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application of such Rules and Regulations.

The Cemetery retains to itself, for the benefit of all interment right owners, full and complete supervision, control and management of the land, buildings, improvements, roads, walks, utilities, development, books and records, and the full and complete authority, rights and privileges to make, change administer and enforce all rules and regulations and restrictions not inconsistent with Federal or State Law.


Times Visitors are allowed in the Cemetery

  • Hours of Public Access: No person shall enter or remain upon the grounds of San Gabriel Cemetery between Sun Down and 7 am. Sun Down is defined as the time in the evening when the sun disappears.
  • Persons found in the cemetery between Sun Down and 7 am may be considered trespassers and asked to leave or be subject to arrest and prosecution.

Speed Limit

  • Motor vehicles shall not be driven in excess of ten (10) miles per hour.

Prohibited Activities

  • The consumption or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited unless authorized in writing by the Cemetery and proper State and Local permits have been obtained.
  • The consumption or use of any illegal drugs is prohibited.
  • Loitering is prohibited. Defined as standing or waiting around idly or without apparent purpose

Activities specifically prohibited between the hours of 7 am to 5 pm Monday through Sunday

  • No skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, or any other type of recreational transportation or entertainment will be allowed.
  • All children, under the age of 12, must be accompanied and within arm’s reach of an accompanying adult.


  • All visitors must abide by all parking and traffic signs.
  • No parking at any time along curbs marked in red.
  • Parking of vehicles shall be restricted to roadways only and shall be parked in such a manner that other vehicles can pass them. Parking of motor vehicles on the grass is not permitted.
  • No overnight parking. Violators will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.

Burial Regulations

Caskets Required

  • Caskets are required for all in-ground burials and mausoleum crypt entombments.

Vaults Required

  • Concrete burial vaults are required for all in-ground burials for both casket and urn burial. Urns for cremated remains placed in the ground must be placed in a concrete urn vault with a lid containing at least three-quarters of an inch of concrete, brass, granite, marble, or metal plate.

Single Graves

  • Each single grave space may accommodate up to two caskets and up to two ash interments, provided that the first casket is interred at extra depth. Alternately, each single grave space may accommodate up to one casket and up to three ash interments. If no casket is interred, each single grave space may accommodate up to four ash interments. However, the purchase of additional interment rights for each additional interment after the first may be required.
  • One flat marker measuring 10″ x 20″, 12″ x 24″ or 16″ x 28″ may be placed on a single grave*.
  • Monuments are not permitted on single graves.*

Monument Lots

  • A monument lot consists of three graves.
  • One monument may be erected on this property. *
  • The maximum allowable width for a monument base is 60″.
  • The maximum allowable depth for a monument base is 20″.
  • Foundations for monuments will be installed by the Cemetery and paid for by the lot owner.
  • Additionally, one flat marker measuring 10″ x 20″, 12″ x 24″ or 16″ x 28″ may be placed on each grave within a monument lot (total of three markers) *.
  • Monument Lots also known as Family Estates (A through M) are permitted one monument consisting of a black granite measuring 10-1/2” x 10-1/2” x 11-1/2”. Each grave in a Family Estate is permitted one flat marker.

Family Estates

  • A Family Estate consists of two graves. (One flat marker measuring 10” x 20”, 12” x 24”, or 16” x 28” may be placed on each family estate grave, for a total of two markers per Family Estate.)
  • Monuments are not permitted.*

Cremation Graves

  • In each cremation grave, up to two ash burials may be allowed. However, the purchase of additional interment rights for each additional interment after the first may be required.
  • One flat marker measuring 10″ x 20″, 12″ x 24″ or 16″ x 28″ may be placed on a cremation grave.*
  • Monuments are not permitted on cremation graves.*

Markers and Monuments

  • A marker measuring 16” x 32” may be placed between two graves.
  • Only white or black lettering is allowed for inscriptions.
  • Photographic Images are permitted on in-ground markers and on monuments only.
  • Bronze tone-on-tone images are permitted on the bronze plaques on Heritage and the Garden Mausoleums.
  • Line drawings in the same white as is used for the inscription are permitted for Mountain View Columbarium.
  • The cleaning and general care of markers and monuments is the responsibility of the interment rights owner. The Cemetery will arrange to have markers cleaned upon request. There is a fee for the cleaning service.

*The design and location of all monuments and markers shall be approved in writing by the Cemetery management prior to installation. The Cemetery reserves the right to install and set all monuments, markers, plaques, plates, and foundations. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Cemetery management.

Hours for Interments

  • Funeral services and interments are scheduled between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday as the funeral schedule allows.
  • The business office is open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday by appointment. The office is closed on all Major holidays.

Flowers and General Conditions

  • Artificial plants and flowers are not permitted in the Cemetery.
  • All flower vases must be Invertible In-ground flower vases. A maximum of two such vases per grave site is permitted. Please note that the Cemetery is not responsible for missing vases or for vases worn or damaged by natural wear and tear.
  • One small basket or other unbreakable container of flowers measuring no more than 8” in diameter is permitted at each grave site on a temporary basis. Such containers are to be placed on the grave marker to allow the lawnmowers a clear path when mowing. These items will be removed and disposed of by Cemetery staff within (10) days or as soon as the flowers have wilted or unsightly.
  • Floral arrangements and plants that comply with Cemetery rules are discarded when they become unsightly.
  • The Cemetery is not responsible for loss or damage that may occur to items left at grave sites.
  • The following items are not permitted and will be removed and disposed of immediately:
    • Balloons, pinwheels, toys, figurines, and similar items.
    • Containers made of ceramic, glass, or other breakable material.
    • Decorations of any kind placed on live trees, shrubs, and plantings anywhere on the cemetery’s common grounds and areas.
    • Any other item not mentioned above that presents a hazard to Cemetery employees or visitors or that interferes with the ability of employees to maintain the Cemetery.
    • Paper Pictures, Paper cards, or printing on paper of any kind shall not be placed on any grave maker or monument, niche, or crypt face plate for any purpose. These items will be removed immediately and disposed of by Cemetery staff.
  • Planting of trees, shrubs, or flowers without the express written permission of the Cemetery administrator or his agents is prohibited.
  • Any food or beverage placed at a grave site in keeping with religious practice must be completely and securely wrapped. All such items will be disposed of within 24 hours after placement.
  • During the winter holiday season (Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa), potted plants, small potted trees, decorated plants, and trees may be placed at grave sites beginning immediately after the Thanksgiving holiday none of which may be taller the 36”. These decorative items will be removed by the Cemetery staff no later than two weeks after the holiday.

Special Rules for Graveside Services

  • All types of flower arrangements, including potted plants, sprays, wreaths, and bouquets are permitted on the day of a graveside service. If the family chooses to leave these arrangements at the grave site, they will remain in place for up to seven (7) days, depending upon the weather and the condition of the flowers.
  • It is suggested that families remove any floral tributes containing special mementos or keepsake items immediately following the interment service. The Cemetery is not responsible for the loss of such items.


  • The Cemetery requires a minimum notice of four days for a casket disinterment and two days for disinterment of cremated remains. All required paperwork, including the completed disposition permit, must be received by the cemetery before the disinterment can take place.
  • Cremated remains may be released to the deceased’s next of kin, as defined in the California Health and Safety Code.
  • Casketed remains may only be released to a licensed cemetery or mortuary. The Cemetery requires that a mortuary representative be present for casket disinterment.